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Dr. Garrett has received the following awards and recognitions:
- Distinguished Fellow, National Academies of Practice-2019.
- Forbes Nonprofit Council, Forbes-2019.
- Honorary Distinguished Fellow, Harvard Square Leadership Excellence-2019.
- President’s Advisory Council, The John Maxwell Team-2018.
- Emerging Leader in Infection Control Award, Organization for Safety, Asepsis, and Prevention-2018.
- Special Recognition Volunteer Award, Dekalb Board of Health Medical Reserve Corps-2018.
- Forbes Nonprofit Council, Forbes-2018.
- Making the Difference Award, National Association of Directors of Nursing Administration in Long Term Care-2017.
- Chairman’s Citation Award, Organization for Safety, Asepsis, and Prevention-2017.
- Forbes Nonprofit Council, Forbes-2017.
- Above and Beyond Award, National Association of Directors of Nursing Administration in Long Term Care-2016.
- Honorary Lifetime Member Award, National Association of Directors of Nursing Administration in Long Term Care-2016.
- Impact Award Nominee, Association for Vascular Access-2016.
- Fellow in the Academy of National Directors of Nursing Administration (FACDONA)-2015.
- Fellow in the American Academy of Project Management (FAAPM)-2015.
- Inductee, Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society-2015.
- Inductee-Nursing Leader, Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing-2015.
- Association for Vascular Access Suzanne Herbst Vascular Access Award Nominee-2015.
- Senior Fellow, Management and Strategy Institute-2015.
- Fellow, Management and Strategy Institute-2014.
- Worldwide Who’s Who Registry of Executives, Professionals, and Entrepreneurs VIP-2014.
- Who’s Who in Infection Prevention, Infection Control Today Magazine-2013.
- Top Nurse for Atlanta, Georgia, International Nursing Association-2012.
- Association for Vascular Access Suzanne Herbst Vascular Access Award Nominee-2012.
- Greater Atlanta Chapter of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology Member of the Year-2011.
- Association for Vascular Access Suzanne Herbst Vascular Access Award 2010 Nominee-2010.
- Presidential Award and Citation, Society for Critical Care Medicine-2010.
- Empire’s Who’s Who Among Executives in Healthcare and Nursing-2009 DeKalb County Board of Health Medical Reserve Corp’s Volunteer Award-2007